Tune in to episode 11 of the Global Career Tech Education Podcast hosted by Sylvester Chisom, with special guest Aaron Schorn, a celebrated educator and amplifier of youth in Hawaii and internationally.
"The Best Way To Increase Human Connection In CTE"
Sylvester Chisom and Aaron Schorn discuss the following topics in an inspiring and insightful conversation.
-The deeper meaning of "Ma Ka Hana Ka ʻIke" - By Doing One Learns
-Best practices to advance apprenticeship and mentorship in CTE programs
-How to increase student agency
-How the Nalukai Foundation is advancing youth entrepreneurship in Hawaii
-How to unlock the creative power of the teenage mind
-Best practices in product based learning
-How Unrulr makes learning human-centered and joyous
Aaron Schorn Bio:
Aaron is a cte rockstar leader in education doing amazing work across the state of Hawaii & around the world. He is an amplifier of youth. He has a Master's In Education from the University of Hawaii. He is a thought leader in co-designing education programs rooted in youth agency and entrepreneurship. He is the Head Of Community and Growth at Unrulr, an edtech startup that makes learning human-centered and joyous. Aaron also spent time as faculty in the Entrepreneurship and Journalism department at Hawaii Preparatory Academy(HPA). While there he led and developed the K-12 Capstone Program.
He is also the Director of Alumni & Community at the Nalukai Foundation, a free ten-day intensive tech, entrepreneurship, and design boarding camp for Hawai'i high school students. Aaron is making an impact felt across the state of Hawaii and around the world.
Links to the episode:
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