The Power Of Mentorship In CTE - Global Career Tech Education Podcast Ep. 48 w/Jordan Menning
In Episode 48 of the Global Career Tech Education Podcast, host Sylvester Chisom is joined by Jordan Menning, an education consultant and director of Siouxland CAPS. They delve into the importance of project-based learning, industry partnerships, and the impact of mentorship on student development. Menning shares insights and success stories that highlight how real-world challenges and connections can ignite students' passion and potential in career and technical education.
Topics Covered:
-Unleashing Student Potential through Real-World Challenges
-The Power of Durable Skills in PBL
-Vision for the Future of Career Tech Education
-Elevating PBL in CAPS Programs
-Recognizing and Sharing Impactful Moments
Jordan Menning Bio:
Jordan Menning is an influential Educational Leader and Entrepreneur deeply committed to enhancing PK-12 education through authentic learning experiences. Jordan serves as the Future Ready Coordinator and Director of Siouxland CAPS in Northwest Iowa, where he leads initiatives to prepare students for the demands of the future workforce. With a rich background in teaching ELA, math, and science, Jordan has also excelled as an instructional coach, adjunct professor, and national trainer specializing in Project-Based Learning. Additionally, he supports organizations and schools across the country through his own consulting business. Let's dive into his insights on making education future-ready.

Learn more about Siouxland CAPS
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